Friday, May 17, 2013


AP Calculus
EXAM Monday 5/20

Algebra 2 Pd 1 and 2
EXAM Wednesday 5/22

Academic Algebra 2
Graded Assignment Monday 5/20
EXAM Thursday 5/29

Algebra 1 Pd 4
EXAM Friday 5/24

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Week of 5/13/13

Algebra 2 PD 1 and 2
Review for the final exam which is on Wednesday, May 22

Algebra 1
Monday and Tuesday students will be taking the keystone exams
Wednesday-factoring ws
Thursday-review ws

AP Calc
Monday Test
Rest of week review for finals
Final is 5/21/13

Academic algebra 2
Test on Tuesday on long and synthetic disivion, factoring and solving polynomial expressions and equations
Wednesday-Thursday work on packed problems marked by day

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week of 5-6-13

Algebra 2 pd 1 and 2-work on statistical analysis worksheetseveryday
Academic Algebra pd 6 and 7-Test Tuesday and skills review Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with worksheets everyday
AP Calc-Worksheet review packet and multiple choice packet due Friday-Test Monday
Algebra 1-Factoring and working with quadratics-worksheet everyday