Saturday, August 29, 2015

Week of 8-31-15

Pd 1 Algebra 1
This week we will be learning how to use the calculator we will be utilizing this year.  An in class assignment will be given each day. There is no homework.

Pd 3 and 8 Academic Algebra 2
Monday-Get your course info sheet signed and your textbook covered
Tuesday-Evaluate expressions and formulas  P7: 1,2,4,5,12-17,24  P8:27ab, 29, 30
Wednesday- Pd3: Evaluate expressions and formulas WS 1-1 Pd8: Identify the properties of numbers and algebra and find inverses
Thursday-Pd 3: Identify the properties of numbers and algebra and find inverses Pd8: Simplify Expressions ws 1-2
Friday-Pd 3: Simplify Expressions ws 1-2

Pd 4 and 7 Algebra 2
There will be an in class worksheet given everyday.  There is no homework.
Monday-Get your course info sheet signed
Tuesday- compare and order numbers
Wednesday-evaluate expressions
Thursday-Use the distributive property and combine like terms
Friday-Combine like terms