Tuesday, December 19, 2017

week of 12/18

Honors Pre-Calculus Pd1 and 8
Test Wednesday

Algebra 1  Pd 6 and 7
Test Wednesday

AP Calc Pd 4
Test Wendesday

Monday, December 11, 2017

week of 12/11/17

Honors PreCalc Pd 1 and 8
Monday 5-3 ex1,2,3 P331 1-18
Tuesday 5-3 ex 5,6 p331 21-30
Wednesday 5-4 ex5 P352 40-45 P357 33-38
Thursday 5-5 ex 2 and 6 P352 9-14, 30-36
Friday 5-5 ex 4 P352 24-27 additional practice

Keystone workshop
Work on daily study island assignments

AP Calc
Monday 5-1 part 1 WS
Tuesday 5-1 part 2 WS
Wednesday 5-1 Part 3 WS
Thursday 5-2 Ws
Friday 5-4 WS

Alg 1B
Solve systems of inequalities by graphing WS every period each day

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

week of 12/4/17

Honors Pre Calculus
Monday P352 37-40
Tuesday P352 41-48
Wednesday WS
Thursday Review
Friday Test

Keystone workshop
WS given each day

AP Calculus
Monday RR1
Tuesday RR2
Wednesday RR3
Thursday practice
Friday Quiz

Alg 1B
WS given each period every day
Test Friday

Monday, November 27, 2017

week of 11/28/17

Pd 1 and 8 Honors PreCalc
Continue working on Section 5-5.  Assignment given each day.  Test will be sometime next week.

Pd 2 Keystone workshop
Continue working on linear functions.  Worksheet given each day

Pd 4 AP Calc

Pd 7 and 8
Slope intercept form word problems.  Worksheet given each day.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week of 11/13/17

Honors Pre-Calculus Pd 1 and 8
Monday- Practice WS
Tuesday and Wednesday review for test
Thursday Test
Friday Trig graph activity

Keystone Workshop Pd 2
WS given each day

AP Calculus Pd 4
LHopital's Rule Part 2 and 3 text and worksheets

Algebra 1 Pd 6 and 7
Ws given every period each day

Friday, November 3, 2017

week of 11/6/17

Honors PreCalc
Monday WS
Tuesday WS
Wednesday P331 1-18
Thursday P331 21-30
Friday Practice WS
Next Test 11/16

Keystone Workshop
Monday Patterns WS
Tuesday Patterns WS
Wednesday Functions WS
Thursday Slope WS
Friday Rate of change WS

AP Calc
Monday derivs of exp and inverse trig functions p354
Tuesday Lhopital Day 1 P263 5-18
Wednesday Lhopital Day 2 P263 20-24,31-34
Thursday Lhopital Day 3 P263 25-30
Friday Lhopital Review WS

Alg 1B
Worksheet Given every period
Test Friday 11/10

Monday, October 30, 2017

Week of 10/30/17

Honors Pre-Calculus
Test on Tuesday

Keystone Workshop
Test on Wednesday

Algebra 1B
Worksheet given everyday

AP Calculus
Monday Text and WS
Tuesday Text
Wednesday Text
Thursday WS
Friday WS

Sunday, October 22, 2017

week of 10/23/17

Honors Pre-Calculus Pd 1 and 8
Monday P 317: 22-31
Tuesday WS
Wednesday WS
Thursday P317: 32-36, 38-47
Friday WS
Next test Tuesday 10/31 on section 5-1

Keystone Workshop Pd 2
Monday - Friday worksheet each day

AP Calculus
Monday through Wednesday WS
Thursday Test

Algebra 1 Pd 6 and 7
Worksheet each day

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week of 10/16/17

Honors Pre Calculus Pd 1 and 8
Test on Tuesday
Wednesday P317 1-21
Thursday WS
Friday P351 22-31

Keystone Workshop pd 2
WS given daily

AP Calculus
Monday - text book
Tuesday - Friday - WS

Algebra 1B
WS given each day

Thursday, October 12, 2017

week of 10/10/17

Honors Pre Calc Pd 7
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - text assignments from section 4-7
Friday - WS
Test is on Tuesday 10/17/17

Keystone Workshop
Test Thursday 10/12/17

Algebra 1B
Test Friday 10/13/17

AP Calculus
Tuesday and Wednesday Text Assignments
Thursday and Friday Worksheets

Monday, October 2, 2017

week of 10/2/17

Honors Pre-Calculus Pd 1 and 8
Monday P.288 1-5
Mini Quiz Tuesday
Tuesday WS
Wednesday p288 6-16
Thursday p288 17-28
Friday practice Ws

Keystone Workshop Pd 2
Exponent rules WS given each day

AP Calc
Monday WS 3-1
Tuesday WS 3-2
Wednesday Workday
Thursday text problems
Friday WS text problems

Alg 1B pd 6 and 7
Solve inequalities WS each day

Monday, September 25, 2017

week of 9/25/17

Honors Pre-Calc Pd 1 and 8
Use the unit circle
Monday P251 43-58
Tuesday WS unit circle practice
Wednesday WS 4-3
Thursday WS
Friday WS

KEystone Workshop Pd 2
Simplify square root expressions- WS daily

AP Calc
TEST Wednesday

Algebra 1B Pd 6 and 7
Test Tuesday
WS all other days

Monday, September 18, 2017

Week of 9-18-17

Honors Pre-Calculus Pd 1 and 8
Test Tuesday
Wednesday-Friday Evaluating and using trig functions P251 1-16, 17-32, 33-42

Keystone Workshop
Ordering and Comparing numbers, Simplifying square roots
WS given daily

Algebra 1B
Solving equations-Classwork every day no homework

AP Calculus
Corrections Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Limits-Ws given each day

Monday, September 11, 2017

Week of 9-11-17

Honors Pre-Calc Pd 1 and 8
Monday Convert between radian and degree measure P238 1-17
Tuesday Find co terminal anges P. 238 18-25,27-32
Wednesday solve for linear speed P. 238 33-42
Thursday  find sector area P. 238 43-62, 68-71
Friday Answer SAT problems WS
Test tuesday 9/19

Keystone Workshop Pd2
Monday - use data graphs ws
Tuesday - Find probabilities tend WS
Wednesday - Find probabilities WS
thursday - review WS
Friday - test 

AP Calc Pd 4
Monday - inverse trig WS
Tuesday - ap practice WS 
Wednesday - review
Thursday test
Friday - find limits WS

Alg 1B Pd 6 and 7
Monday find absolute values ws
Tuesday order of ops WS/review
Wednesday TEST
Thursday CDT
Friday Benchmark

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

week of 9/5/17

Honors Pre-Calc Pd 1 and 8
Tuesday Use the trig functions P. 227 1-8
Wednesday Use the trig functions P. 227
Thursday Use the trig functions P. 227
Friday Use the trig functions P. 227

Keystone Workshop Pd2
Tuesday - Find measures of Central tend WS
Wednesday - Use box and whisker plots WS
thursday - Use Stem and Leaf plots WS
Friday - keystone practice WS

AP Calc Pd 4
Tuesday - functions WS 1-1
Wednesday - functions WS 1-3
Thursday transformations ws 1-3
Friday - inverse and one to one functions ws 1-5

Alg 1B Pd 6 and 7
Tuesday order of ops WS
Wednesday evaluate expressions WS
Thursday distribution WS
Friday TEST

Monday, August 28, 2017

week of 8-28-17

Honors Pre-Calculus

AP Calculus

Keystone Workshop
Central Tendencies- Assignment given each day

Algebra 1
Rational and Irrational numbers - Assignment given each day

Friday, May 12, 2017

weeks of 5/15, 5/22, 5/29

Academic Algebra 2
We will work on roots and radicals until the final exam.  A worksheet will be given everyday we have class.  Final Exam is 5/25 for Pd. 3 and 5/25 for Pd.8.  Final review packet and info will be given in class the week of 5/15 for students to work on independently.
If you are taking Honors Pre-Calculus (Mrs. Blozousky) or AP Stats (Mr. Briggs) next year you must get a summer review packet before the end of the school year.

Honors Pre-Calculus
We will work on limits until the final exam.  A worksheet will be given everyday we have class.
Final exam is 5/25 for Pd. 7 and 5/30 for pd 6.  Final review packet and info will be given in class the week of 5/15 for students to work on independently.
If you are taking AP Calculus (Mrs. Blozousky), Calculus (Mrs. Briggs) or AP Stats (Mr. Briggs) next year you must get a summer review packet before the end of the school year.

Friday, May 5, 2017

week of 5/8/17

Period 3 and 8 Academic Algebra 2
Work on roots and radicals
Worksheet given each day

Period 4 AP Calc

Period 6 and 7 Honors Pre Calculus
Test on Series and Sequences on Friday

Monday, May 1, 2017

Week of 5/1/17

Academic Alg 2 Pd 3,8
Ch.6 Worksheet given each day

Honors Pre-Calculus Pd 6 and 7
Continue working on sequences and series
Worksheet given each day

AP Calculus Pd 4
Work on AP review material

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week of 4/24/17

Academic Algebra 2
Test Friday

Honors Pre-Calculus
Continue working on Series and Sequences - WS given each day

AP Calculus
Continue working on AP Review

Monday, April 17, 2017

Week of 4/17/17

Academic Algebra 2 Pd 3,8
Solving Rational Equations - Worksheet given each day

Honors Pre-Calculus
Test on Wednesday on Conic Sections

AP Calculus
Test on Tuesday on Ch. 9

Monday, April 10, 2017

Week of 4/10/17

Academic Algebra 2
Test on Thursday on Operations with Rational Functions

AP Calculus
Monday-WS 9.1
Tuesday - WS slope fields
Wednesday and Thursday - Exponential growth and decay
Next Test is Tuesday 4/18

Honors Pre-Calculus
Monday - WS 7.3 Part 1
Tuesday - WS 7.3 part 2
Wednesday - WS 7.3 Part 3
Thursday - WS 7.2/7.3 identifying conic sections
Next test is Wednesday 4/19

Friday, March 31, 2017

Week of 4/3/17

Academic Alg 2 Pd 3 and 8
Add and Subtract Rational Expressions - WS given each day

Honors Pre-Calc Pd 6 and 7
Monday- Wednesday Parabola - WS given each day
thursday- Friday Circles and ellipses  - WS given each day

AP Calculus Pd 4
Monday - Review WS for 8.5
Tuesday - 8.7 WS
Wednesday - Review WS for test tomorrow
Thursday - Test 8.1-8.5,8.7
Friday 9.1

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week of 3/27/17

Academic Alg 2 Pd 3 and 8
Operations with rational expressions - worksheet given each day

Honors Pre-Calculus Pg 6 and 7
Law of Sines and Cosines, Heron's formula - Test Thursday

AP CAlculus PD 5
Monday - 8.3 WS
Tuesday, Wednesday 8.4 WS
Thursday, Friday 8.5 WS

Monday, March 13, 2017

Week of 3/13/17

Alg 1 Pd 1
Work on Foil
WS given each day

Alg 2 Pd 4 and 7
Solve quadratic equations
WS given each day

PSSA Math 7/8
Work on PSSA anchors
WS given each day

Honors Pre-Calc Pd 6,7
Test on next school day

AP Calc Pd 4
Next School day: 7.3 part 2
2 days later there will be a test

Ac Alg 2
Synthetic division
WS given each day

Monday, March 6, 2017

week of 3/6/17

Algebra 1 Pd 1
Worksheet given Monday - Wednesday
Test on Friday

Academic Alg 2 Pd 3,8
Divide polynomials
worksheet given each day

Alg 2 Pd 4,7
Solve quadratics by factoring
Worksheet given each day

Work on PSSA material
Worksheet given each day

AP Calculus Pd 4
Monday 7-2 Part 1 WS
Tuesday 7-2 Part 2 WS
Wednesday work day
Thursday 7-3 part 1 WS
Friday 7-3 Part 2 WS

Honors Pre-Calculus Pd 6,7
Monday - Wednesday Section 5-5
Thursday - Review
Friday -Review
 Test Monday

Friday, February 24, 2017

week of 2/27/17

Algebra 1 Pd 1
Monday-Wednesday Polynomial operations worksheet given each day
Thursday Review
Friday Test

Academic Algebra 2 Pd 3 and 8
Monday and Tuesday - Factor by grouping worksheet given each day
Wednesday - Section 5-3 worksheet
Thursday - Review
Friday -  TEst

Algebra 2 Pd 4 and 7
Properties of quadratic functions worksheet given each day

AP Calculus
Monday - Test
Multiple Choice Assignments due 3/1 and 3/3
Wednesday and Thursday - Section 7-1 WS
Friday Section 7-2 WS

Work on anchors
worksheet given each day

Honors Pre-Calculus
Monday and Tuesday - Solve trig equations
Wednesday - Friday - Use sum and difference identities

Thursday, February 16, 2017

week of 2/20/17

Algebra 1 Pd 1
Polynomial operations
Worksheet given daily

Academic Alg 2 Pd 3 and 8
Tuesday- Practice with solving perfect cubes WS
Wednesday - Quad pattern factoring and solving WS
Thursday - Factor by grouping WS
Friday - Factor by grouping WS

AP Calculus PD 4
Tuesday- 6.8 WS
Wednesday - 6.9 WS
Thursday - Work day
Friday - review for test on Monday

PSSA Math 7 and 8 Pd5
Tuesday- Refelctions WS
Wednesday - proportions WS
Thursday - Refelctions WS
Friday - scale factor WS

Honors Pre- Calculus PD 6 and 7
Tuesday- practice WS
Wednesday -review
Thursday - test
Friday - 5.3 part 1 WS

Sunday, February 12, 2017

week of 2-13-17

Period 1 Algebra 1
Multiply polynomials
Worksheet given daily
Test on Thursday

Period 3 and 8 Academic Algebra 2
Vertex Form
Test Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday Worksheets

Period 4 and 7 Algebra 2
Solve Rational Equations
Worksheets given daily
Test Thursday

Period 4 AP Calculus
Test 6.4,5,6 on Monday
Free Response due Monday
Tuesday-Thursday  Worksheet 6.7 and 6.8

Period 5B PSSA Math
Tests on Wednesday and Thursday

Period 6A  and 7th Honors Pre-Calculus
Simplify Trig expressions Worksheets daily

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week of 2-6-17

Period 1 Algebra 1
Apply exponent rules when multiplying
Worksheet given daily

Period 3 and 8 Academic Algebra 2
USe completing the square
Worksheet given Monday-Wednesday
Test Friday

Period 4 and 7 Algebra 2
Solve rational equations
Worksheet given Monday-Wednesday

Period 4 AP Calculus
Find Definite Integrals
Worksheets Monday and Tuesday
Test Thursday
Free Response due Monday 10/13

Period 5B PSSA Math
Worksheet given daily

Period 5A  and 7th Honors Pre-Calculus
Use and simplify trig identities
Worksheets/Text assignments Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Practice worksheets Wednesday and Friday

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week of 1-30-17

Period 1 Algebra 1
Worksheet given daily

Period 3 and 8 Academic Algebra 2
Worksheet given daily

Period 4 and 7 Algebra 2
Worksheet given daily

Period 4 AP Calculus
Monday - 6.3 Worksheet LRAM, MRAM, RRAM by hand
Tuesday - 6.3 Worksheet  LRAM, MRAM, RRAM by calculator
Wednesday - 6.5 area from geometry and theorems P 394-395 11-26, 27ab, 28ab
Thursday - WS FTC part 1
Friday - WS FTC part 2

Period 5B PSSA Math
Worksheet given daily

Period 5A  and 7th Honors Pre-Calculus
Monday - Review for quiz tomorrow
Tuesday - Quiz on inverse trig functions
Wednesday - 5-1 p317 1-21
Thursday - 5-1 P317 22-31
Friday - 5-1 P 317 32-36, 38-47

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Week of 1/23/17

Algebra 1
Write Equations for functions- WS given each day

Algebra 2
Add and subtract rational functions - WS given each day

Academic Algebra 2
Test on Thursday

Worksheet each class

Friday, January 13, 2017

Week of 1/16/17

No School for Students on Monday
Review day for all math classes is on Tuesday 1/17
Midterms for all math classes are on Wednesday 1/18

Monday, January 9, 2017

Week of 1/9/17


Algebra 1
Monday and Tuesday Graph Inequalities Worksheet given each day
Wednesday Review for test
Thursday Test

Academic Algebra 2
Monday Divide Complex Numbers P. 250
Tuesday Divide Complex Numbers Worksheet
Wednesday Operations with complex numbers Worksheet
Thursday Operations with complex numbers Worksheet

Algebra 2
Monday Divide Worksheet 1
Tuesday Divide Worksheet 2
Wednesday Multiply and Divide
Thursday Multiply and Divide

PSSA 7th grade
TEST on Wednesday

PSSA 8th
Individual work

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

week of 1/3/17

Happy New Year!
Algebra 1
Graph functions - a worksheet will be given each day

Academic Algebra 2
Tuesday and Wednesday-solve quadratic equations by factoring-a worksheet will be given each day
Thursday-Simplify roots using imaginary numbers - p 250 1,2,7,8,18-21,36-41
Friday - Perform operations with complex numbers - p 250 3,11-14,26-32