Friday, October 1, 2010

Week of 10-4-10

Week of 10-4-10

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Pd 1,2,6 Algebra 2

Monday Solve a formula for a specific letter ws

Tuesday Solve and graph linear inequalities Ws inequalities #1

Wednesday Solve and graph linear inequalities Ws inequalities #2

Thursday Graph conjunctions and solve ws

Friday Graph disjunctions and solve ws

Pd 4,7 Academic Algebra 2

Monday Write an equation of a line for parallel and perpendicular lines ws 82/70

Tuesday Graph linear equations P 67: 1-8, 43-49

Wednesday Graph linear equations Ws 77/78/79

Thursday Solve problems using direction variation Ws 2-3

Friday Find equations of a line for scatter plots Ws 2-4

Pd 5 AP Calc

Monday -Use CRB2 and TI 84 calculators to complete an activity

Tuesday -Find the line tangent to curve -Determine the velocity of an object moving along a straight line

-Express the rate of change of change of one variable with the respect to another WS 3-1

Wednesday -Find the line tangent to curve-Determine the velocity of an object moving along a straight line-Express the rate of change of change of one variable with the respect to another WS 3-1

Thursday -Use derivatives to compute instantaneous velocity-Determine if a function is differentiable mathematically and by the calculator-Using differentiation ws 3-2

Friday -Use techniques of differentiation to find derivatives (power rule, constant multiple rule, sum and difference rule) ws 3-3

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