Monday, September 30, 2013

Week of 9-30-13

Algebra 2 Pd2,3,4
Monday Find slope-ws
Tuesday ASVABS
Wednesday Write the slope-intercept form for a line from a graph ws
Thursday Write the slope-intercept form for a line from m and a point ws
Friday Write the slope-intercept form for a line from 2 points ws

AP Calculus  **Test Tuesday**Free response and AP multiple choice due Wednesday**
Monday  Review for test
Tuesday Test
Wednesday Section 3-1 Average and Instantaneous rate of change ws
Thursday Section 3-2 Use definition of derivative ws
Friday Work day for 3-1 and 3-2

Academic Algebra Pd 6 and 7
Monday Write the slope-intercept form for a line from a graph ws
Tuesday Write the slope-intercept form for a line from m and a point and two points ws
Wednesday Write the standard form of a line ws
Thursday Write the standard form of a line ws
Friday Write the equation of a line using all 3 forms ws

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